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Southeast Alaska Farmers Summit Presents:


February 16 - 18, 2024 | Juneau, AK



Connect - Learn - Grow!


Join us for the opportunity to connect with other farmers from across the region! A relaxed weekend filled with lively discussions, beach walks, creative problem-solving and one on one connection.  We will share our successes & challenges, ask lots of questions and offer strategies for effective farm management.  Bring along your favorite books & magazines, seeds and recipes to share/swap with the group. Group size is limited so register ASAP using this form to secure your spot!


All meals and lodging will be provided free of charge and there is no fee to attend. Lodging Sunday night will also be available for those participants with outgoing flights/ferries on Monday, Feb. 19th. A limited number of travel scholarships will be available to cover plane & ferry tickets for those in need. Please register by  by Feb.1st in order to be eligible for travel scholarships.

Tentative Agenda

Friday Afternoon​



Saturday Morning


Saturday Afternoon



Sunday Morning



Sunday Afternoon

Welcome & Orientation, favorite recipe share/swap, dinner, “Round Robin” farmer show & tell of highlights and lessons learned from the past year


Breakfast, small group discussions, beach walk or indoor crafts


Lunch, “Hive Mind” session for farmer problem solving, forest walks or yoga, group prepared dinner, farmer charades/sustainability discussion


Breakfast, Favorite Crops/Tools/Techniques share session, walk/stretch/craft, Marketing discussion


Lunch, Wrap-up & evaluations

This event is made possible through support from the Southeast Alaska Sustainability Strategy through USDA-NRCS

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